Organic Antioxidant Graviola, Horse Chestnut and Apple Mix, Life Care®
Net quantity: 500 ml
* The prices are in EUR and they contain VAT.
Powerful antioxidant, stabilizer of the metabolic system. The graviola fruit is known for its healing effects on various bacterial or fungal infections, strengthens the immune system and prevents common colds. Sea buckthorn has emollient, depurativeand anti-inflammatory effects. Apples are rich in flavonoids, have antioxidant, helps strengthen the immune system and helps the digestion process. Although they contain sugar, apples provide only a third of the number of calories that the sweets offer.
A UNIQUE FORMULA from BIO juices with beneficial effects on metabolism. The combination of Sea buckthorn, apples, and graviola slows down the aging process of cells and maintains them healthy , rich in vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, Omega 3, 6, 9, 7 and other vitamins. Contributes to lower cholesterol levels in the blood while the ingredients in graviola fight off parasites or digestive worms.
Certified product: KOSHER, VEGAN, VEGETARIAN. Daily dose of 30 ml per day/adult, persons over 3 years (daily dose for children is calculated according to weight). Do not exceed the recommended daily amount. Graviola juice administered in high doses (more than 60 ml/day) can lead to a greater concentration of calcium, which can influence the toxicity of the liver and kidney. People with little tension may feel dizziness or headaches after consumption. The product is not recommended for pregnant women or whom are breastfeeding. Do not combine with the Coenzyme Q10, Coral calcium, Super Water and OxyLife.
Unique FORMULA: 45% from fruit juice BIO graviola (Annona Muricata), 35% BIO juice Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides), 20% organic juice Apple (Malus). Contains no sugar and no conservation or thickening ingredient. Does not contain genetically modified ingredients.
VEGAN VEGETARIAN NO animal ingredients NOT tested on animals Pregnant and breastfeeding woman, or people with sensitivity to any of the ingredients need to get doctors approval before using this product.
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One of the best help in any health issues, combined whit Aloe Vera Juice an amazing Detox and Vitaliser. 100% recommend!
Pe mine m-a ajutat!
Acest produs mi-a adus multe beneficii, am scapat de helicobacter si multe altele. Il recomand tuturor, cu siguranta este de mare ajutor.
11.01.2022, BARTHA IMOLA:
Recomand cu drag acest produs.
21.11.2021, AURORA PREDA:
Este un produs minunat in afectiunile digestive, m-a salvat de multe ori in afectiune de sindrom colon iritabil! Il recomand cu incredere.
Nagyon szeretem jótékony hatását már az egész családom élvezi valóban jó hatással van a szervezetem főleg az emésztő rendszer méregtelenítésben van nagy szerepe érzem a mindennapi fogyasztás során javult az emésztésem!
05.04.2021, SAMOILA ESTERA:
Foarte multumita, folosim toata familia. Recomand cu mare drag!
Un produs exceptional, in afara de beneficiile ce sunt enumerate noi am constatat ca produce pofta de mancare, deci este foarte bun pentru persoanele bolnave care nu au pofta de mancare. Recomand cu incredere!
05.04.2020, DORINA POPA:
Acest produs este minunat in foarte multe afectiuni. Il recomand cu incredere!
16.04.2019, MIHAELA IPATE:
L'o utilizzato per mia figlia di 12 anni per problemi al fegato e il pancreas (iperinsulinemica resistente, ciatosi epatica, fegato aumentato di volume di 2 cm sopra la norma), tutto questo come effetto collaterale di una terapia con depakin. Alternato con aloe Vera gel, ha perso 28 kg in 3 mesi, tutte le analisi perfette. Ottimo prodotto e risultato.
Valóban tökéletes segitője a kiválasztó rendszer müködésének, tisztit, fertőtlenit, méregtelenit, viszi a fáradtságot, rengeteg energiát ad, kitessékeli a szervezetből a parazitákat. Nem szabad elfelejteni az első lépést: a felismerést, hogy milyen termékre van szükségünk, az állapotfelismerés, a helyes diagnosztizálás nem elkerülhető, lehet hogy itt szakember segitségére van szükség. A biorezionanciális mérés egy tökéletes segitség lehet az egészségi állapotunk megismerése tekinteténen.
04.03.2017, MARIANA MOISE:
Extraordinar de bun pentru gastrita , luat in paralel cu Ananas si Barlley Grass. Mi-a calmat refluxul gastro iar durerile de stomac au disparut instant. Recomand. Am pierdut si cateva KG facand acest tratament.
24.10.2016, MIHAELA MAXIM:
Imunitatea mea a crescut. Il recomand cu drag!
Un vitalizant perfect, felicitari