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Vitamin D3, drops for children, 5 mcg (400 IU), Life Care® - maintains bone health

60% DISCOUNT for the second ,only at 5.03 GBP, if you add to your basket products in total value of 60 GBP partner price.*One product per order!

Net quantity: 25 ml

  • Your price 12.19 GBP

    Discount from 12.49 GBP

* The prices are in pounds and they contain VAT.

Take your deduction of 20% for life!
  • helps fix calcium in the bones
  • maintains the health of the muscular system
  • contributes to the health of bones and teeth


In the first years of vitamin D is essential for the normal growth and development of bones, teeth and the immune system, so parents need to make sure that their baby receives enough vitamin D. The essential role of vitamin D continues throughout childhood and until adulthood, contributing to the formation and maintenance of bone and muscle health, the normal absorption of calcium and phosphorus, participates in the process of cell division and helps the normal functioning of the immune system.


Did you know that vitamin D deficiency is a public health problem and affects:
>> Children under 5 years of age >> Pregnant or breastfeeding women
>> People with limited sun exposure
>> People with dark skin
>> Adults over 65 years of age

Vitamin D3 is the only vitamin that our body can produce, forming in the skin after exposure to sunlight. During the summer we get more vitamin D3, and during the cold months it is necessary to supplement the Vitamin D intake with dietary supplements.
In the case of children, the main risk associated with insufficient vitamin D3 intake is rickets. Bone tissue does not mineralize properly, which makes the bones softer than normal and prone to deformity.

The benefits of Vitamin D3 for children are:
>> maintains the normal concentration of calcium in the blood
>> helps fix calcium in the bones
>> maintains the health of the muscular system
>> contributes to the health of bones and teeth
>> ensures optimal functioning of the immune system


It is recommended 1 drop per day from 1 year of age. Do not exceed the recommended daily allowance. Keep away from light and store in a cool, dry place. The product is a dietary supplement and does not replace a varied and balanced diet. Preferably consume by the end of the period mentioned on the package. Keep this dietary supplement out of the reach of small children.


Bottle with dropper - 25ml. One drop contains the following: 0.005mg of D3 being (200IU) + raw material Cholecalciferol of 0.2mg (200 IU)- 100% of NRV. Variation of ingredients +/- 10%. NRV - Nutritional Reference Value - acc. EU Reg. 1169/2011.


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Recomand cu incredere. Consum eu, bunica si fetita din primele luni de la nastere. Nu ne lipseste din casa! Un produs minunat cu rezultate! Benefica mai ales persoanelor in varsta pentru mentinerea sanatatii oaselor.

06.10.2021, KRISZTINA TÓTHI:

Óvodás kislányomnak ezzel indítom a napját, a többi LifeCare-s gyerekvitaminnal együtt. És elmondhatom, hogy nem beteges, nem hiányzik az oviból. Ez köszönhető a Life Care szuper vitaminjainak.

30.09.2021, ZOLTAN FÖLDI:

Az egyik legfontosabb vitaminunk hisz sok kis gyermek nem tud kapszulát lenyelni! A fogadtatás ép ezért rendkívül pozitív! Számtalan vissza jelzés érkezik miszerint idős nyelési problémákkal küzdő emberek is nagy örömmel fogadták ezt az innovatív terméket hisz ismerjük a D vitamin fontosságát!


Recomand cu incredere, sunt foarte multumita de produs!!!


Rögtön megvásároltam, amikor forgalomba került. Először is a 6 éves unokámnak, hogy rendben fejlődjön a csontrendszere, az izomzata, a fogazata, s főleg, hogy erős legyen az immunrendszere ebben a nehéz időszakban, amiben élnünk kell. Bevallom, vettem egy másik üveggel is, azt magamnak, már csak azért is, mert mindenféle pirulát nehezen nyelek le, ezzel viszont nincs probléma. Természetesen ezt nagyobb dózisban szedem, mint ahogyan a gyerekeknek ajánlják. Unokám ritkán beteg, eddig még én sem kaptam el a "mumus"-t, remélem ez így is marad, bár semmit nem szeretnék "elkiabálni". Örülök, hogy a cég ezt a terméket is biztosítja számunkra, ezzel is hozzájárulva egészségünk megőrzéséhez.

28.09.2021, MIA DANA PANTEA:

Foarte benefica in sezonul rece, de nelipsit, in special pentru copii, ajuta mult pentru imunitate!


Noua ne este foarte utila aceasta vitamina D3, intareste dantura si oasele copiilor, alte variante nu au acceptat copiii, este singura pe care o iau cu placere. Recomand cu caldura.

17.09.2021, DANIELA OPRUTA :

Recomand cu caldura vitamina D3 picaturi pentru copii deoarece este necesara dezvoltarii armonioase a celor mici si nu numai. Nepoatele mele o folosesc zilnic. Ajuta mult si la imunitatea organismului, impotriva gripei si virozelor de sezon.

17.09.2021, KATALINA CSIKI:

Aceste picaturi ne sunt de mare folos - atat copiilor cat si noua adultilor! De cand le folosim, pot spune ca nu am avut probleme de sanatate! Va recomand cu incredere!

02.09.2021, VIOLETA ICHIM:

Recomand cu toata dragostea aceste picaturi de vitamina D3. Folosesc pentru fetitele mele de 4 ani si 3 luni. Chiar si atunci cand nu este soare, noi avem soarele in sticlute!


Iubim aceste picaturi de vitamina D3. Am 3 copii si chiar aveam nevoie de aceste picaturi! Multumesc tare mult Life Care pentru aceste produse minunate!


Recomand cu mare incredere, baietelul meu e foarte incantat de Vitamina D!

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