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HappyDreams, with Schisandra, Noni, Rhodiola and Valeriana, Life Care®


Net quantity: 13 g

  • 13.39 GBP

* The prices are in pounds and they contain VAT.

Take your deduction of 20% for life!
  • peaceful sleep and relaxation
  • fights against stress
  • helps remove insomnia


Insomnia in Latin means "without sleep", and it represents the difficulty in having a quiet and uninterrupted sleep. Sleep is very important for the human body, as the body recovers during sleep. Doctors recommend that an adult should sleep 7-9 hours per night on average, but for various reasons, we often fail to do so.
Quiet and restful sleep has important benefits for the whole body, from improving memory and increasing performance to exams to increasing immunity, athletic performance, and reducing stress and depression.


HappyDreams, with Schisandra, Noni, Rhodiola and Valeriana, Life Care® contains a complex of plants that induce a relaxing state and counteract the effects of stress, helping to eliminate insomnia.


1 capsule the evening before bedtime. Recommended only for persons from the age of 16. Do not exceed the recommended daily allowance. Keep away from light, keep cool and dry. The normal diet can not be replaced with the use of this dietary supplement. Preferably use until the end of the period on the packaging. Do not leave this food supplement within the reach of small children.


Box containing 30 capsules. Ingredients / capsules: Eco Schisandra extract (Schisandra chinensis ) 100 mg*, EcoNoni extract (Morinda citrifolia ) 100 mg*, Eco Rhodiola extract (Rhodiola rosea ) 100 mg*, Eco Valeriana (Valeriana offcinalis) 50 mg*. Other ingredients: cellulose. NRV - Nutritional Reference Value - cf. Reg.UE 1169/2011, * - NRV is not set. Variation of ingredients +/- 10 %.


NO animal ingredients
NOT tested on animals
Pregnant and breastfeeding woman, or people with sensitivity to any of the ingredients need to get doctors approval before using this product.


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Un produs foarte bun. Il folosesc de mult timp iar rezultatul este garantat!


Sunt foarte bune. Chiar ajuta la un somn odihnitor. Recomand!


Recomand. Inca de la prima capsula se vad rezultate, reusesti sa ai un somn odihnitor si nu da dependenta, se pot lua la nevoie, cand vezi ca nu poti sa dormi.

24.07.2020, ISTVÁNNÉ MOLNÁR:

Több vásárlóm dicséri a terméket. Amióta szedik, nyugodt, pihentető az éjszakájuk. Este 1 órával lefekvés előtt veszik be és elmondásuk szerint nagyon jól pihennek és reggel fitten kelnek.

05.11.2018, MARIA GEBER:

Amióta ezt beveszem esténként, sokkal nyugodtabban, jobban alszom. Nagyon jó termék. Egy éjszaka alatt 5-6 alkalommal is felébredtem, reggel fáradtan keltem. Ma már 2-szer ébredek csak meg, de pillanatok alatt vissza is tudok aludni. 28 napja szedem és sokkal jobbak az éjszakáim.

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